"Answering the Call" **Sermon for 5 Epiphany C, 9 February 2025**
“What do you want to be when you grow up?”
Now, it has probably been a long
time since someone asked you that question.
Perhaps as far back as elementary school or even high school. Common answers, especially in elementary
school include police officer, firefighter, teacher, and doctor.
you remember what you answered? Maybe
your answer even changed over time.
Perhaps your career may have changed over time. Gone are the days when people devoted 40
years to one company or to one career.
Second and third careers are much more common
This morning, we hear the call
stories of the prophet Isaiah and of Jesus’ first followers. Normally we tend to think of calls in
relation to clergy and the religious. Such
vocations are a calling. Monks, nuns,
and priests and deacons are not the only calls, however.
God calls each of us. As we heard from the Apostle Paul a few weeks
back, God has a part for each of us play (I Corinthians 12). Each of us has been given specific gifts for
a part only we can play. No one is equipped
just as you are for your God-given calling.
Our former BP loved to say, “if you
are still breathing, God is calling.”
God’s call knows no age or expiration date. So, how do you and I know what God is calling
us to? Our call is most frequently
related to our gifts and skills. We can
find our calling where we find joy and fulfillment.
Say you love children and enjoy
spending time with them. Maybe God is
calling you to join our Sunday School team.
Or maybe you love to cook. Perhaps God might be calling you to feed
others as part of our monthly Canteen ministry.
The possibilities are truly
endless! All that is needed is an open
heart and a willingness to be used by God.
What is preventing you from answering the call? The good news is that you and I are not
alone. God with Us is in the boat with
us. God’s Holy Spirit equips us to go
out into the deep waters.
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