Disturbing Trends, Part II
My first post in this series may give the impression that I am against the Church. Or that I am jaded or on the verge of burn out. None of this is the case. I love the Church, that wonderful and mystical company of believers. I did not grow up in the Church. That happened later. I deliberately chose the Church, time and time again. Nor am I seeking to judge. criticize, or whine. I am simply making some observations of things that I have seen as both a member and an ordained minister. Finally, this list is not in any particular order nor is it meant to be exhaustive. I welcome your thoughts and insights on what you are seeing in the church. 6) This follows number five. With faith being a private matter, discipleship and even worship have all too often become passive spectator sports. Jesus tells His followers that being a follower is not about being a B.I.P. (bottom in the pew). Discipleship is meant to be an active, daily part of the life of a follower. 7) Even worse, are