January Lion's Roar Lead

Dear Ones,

I pray that you and yours had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  May God’s love and peace be with us all in this new year.

The Vestries of both St. Mark’s and All Saints’ will have their Annual Meetings and Elections later this month.  New leadership will be elected to the respective Vestries.  Reports will be shared about the parish’s life and ministry.  We’ll look ahead to the rest of 2025.

All Saints’ Annual Meeting is Sunday, 19 January after the 11a Eucharist. 

St. Mark’s Annual Meeting is scheduled for the 26th after the 9a Eucharist.

One very important change will take place before the Annual Meetings.  The Wardens of both churches have agreed to amend the partnership agreement.  I will be shared between St. Mark’s and All Saints’ in a thirty-three- to -sixty-six split beginning 1 January 2025. 

There will be, as announced, changes to the worship schedule.  This primarily impacts our friends at All Saints.  St. Mark’s will continue to offer a weekly Eucharist at 9a on Sundays.  We will have music on the second and fourth Sundays.  Additionally, Coffee Hour will move to AFTER church on the second and fourth Sundays.

All Saints’ will alternate between Eucharists and daily Prayer.  The first, third, and fifth Sundays will be the Holy Eucharist at 11a.  The second and fourth Sundays will be Morning Prayer.  Holy Eucharist will be celebrated on the second and fourth Saturdays at 5p.  Evening Prayer will be said on the first and third Saturdays.

So, starting in the new year I will be at St. Mark’s on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.  I will be at All Saints’ on Wednesdays.  Mondays will continue to be my day for rest and relaxation (except if there is a pastoral emergency; then I DO want to hear from you).  When in doubt of where I might be, the best way to be in touch with me continues to be my cell phone (talk or text).

Faithfully Yours,



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