"Together in Love" **sermon for 7 July 2024**

          The 81st General Convention’s theme was “Together in Love.”  This theme combines Presiding Bishop (PB) Curry’s call for us to follow “The Way of Love” and the President of the House of Deputies (PHoD) emphasis on togetherness.  The HoD considered a whopping 392 of 395 resolutions put before us.  And, for the most part, the discussions were civil and respectful.  Even when we disagreed or were tired.

Resolution A160 changes the words of the catechism in the Prayer Book.  Under “What is Holy Matrimony?” the Answer will now read that Holy Matrimony is “a covenant between two persons.”  The updated wording reflects the current practice and laws that allow for same-sex marriages within the United States.

Resolution A101 concerned health insurance parity.  Those in rural or indigenous areas pay more for health insurance.  Or they are left with the HIS, which is less than desirable.  A101 will help ensure that clergy and church serving laity will receive affordable health care coverage.

Several resolutions added commemorations to the Lesser Feasts and Fasts calendar.  Harriet Tubman will be remembered on March 10.  The Philadelphia 11, the first women to be ordained as priests, will be marked on July 29th.  Barbara Clementine Harris, the first woman to be elected as a Bishop, will be celebrated on February 11.

Resolution D056, by far, had the most passionate debate.  The HoD wanted to retain the original resolution’s language of apartheid and genocide.  The HoB (House of Bishops) endorsed a toned-down version.  We again had much conversation about that in the HoD.  In the end, we endorsed the Bishops’ wording that condemned the actions of both Hamas and the Israeli government.

The Convention approved the juncture of the Dioceses of Eastern and Western Michigan.  Together they are now the Diocese of the Great Lakes.  The Dioceses of Eau Clar, Milwaukee, and Fon du Lac merged to become The Diocese of Wisconsin.  Navajoland was also made a Missionary Diocese, now able to elect its own Bishop.

I was very impressed with the 16 youth who attended as the Official Youth Presence.  These special participants had voice but no vote at Gen Convention.  The youth were thoughtful and articulate as they shared during debate.  They were also powerful advocates for themselves, our future, and for our non-English speaking deputies.

The Convention was not ALL about legislation, however.  There was also time for worship.  Three times the Convention celebrated the Holy Eucharist.  We said Morning Prayer together as well.  Musicians and a combined choir provided inspiring music.  Worship was in English and Spanish.  Truly a Pentecost-like experience!

Louisville was also in part a mini-reunion.  I saw friends and I had not seen for a few years.  We had a wonderful time catching up and sharing stories.  The Exhibitor’s’ Hall was a treasure trove of both information and goods for sale.  Vestments, vessels, t-shirts.  You name it, they had it!  And there were lots of buttons and pins on hand as keepsakes.

Perhaps the biggest item from General Convention is the election and confirmation of our next PB.  PB Curry’s 9-year tenure ends at the end of October.  PB-elect Sean Rowe will begin his time as our PB in November.  Bishop Rowe is currently the Bishop for WNY and NWPA.  At 49, Bishop Rowe is the youngest to be elected as PB.

In his sermon at the closing Eucharist, PB-elect Rowe challenged TEC and us: And finally, what about our idolatry of structures and practices that exclude and diminish our witness?  We have to get it together.  That’s going to mean laying some things down.  The struggle ahead will require a tolerance for uncertainty, a willingness to make real sacrifices.  

We’ll actually need to let go of some of our grievances and hold more lightly our beliefs about how the church should work and who has a voice.            And we must learn to have hard conversations with each other, with love and respect, so that we’re all pulling in the same direction: the transformation of the world by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”

PB-elect Rowe will begin his time as our PB on November 1.  There will be a small service of installation on November 2.  The installation is planned to take place in the Chapel at 815 Second Ave in NYC.  General Convention 82 is scheduled for June of 2027 in Phoenix, AZ.


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