
This Sunday (19 May) the Western church celebrates the "birthday of the church."  The day when God's Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus' first followers.  From that moment on, they (and history) would never be the same.  

Jesus' followers boldly go forth into the world to tell others about Jesus.  They share God's radical love and forgiveness.  They heal and restore life to the dead.  A small group grows and grows with the help of God's Holy Spirit to strengthen and sustain them.

Pentecost has its roots in the Jewish tradition.  In the original context, the festival of weeks (as it is also called) is a harvest festival.  Fifty days after the Passover, by the Law of Moses, all Jewish persons were to be in Jerusalem to celebrate the feast (Leviticus 23:12-22).

The first of the crops would be presented at the Temple.  Thanks would be given as these first fruits were dedicated to God.  Then prayers would be offered to God asking blessings upon the rest of the harvest.  Very much like the origins of Thanksgiving in the United States.

The majority of Jesus' first followers were Jesus.  They observed the ancient festivals and traditions with their emerging understanding of Jesus.  Fifty days after Easter (penta meaning fifty), the students (disciples) became sent ones (apostles) and the church was born by God's Holy Spirit.


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