March 2024 Lion's Roar

I heard a most welcome sound the other day.  The wonderful chirping of bird song greeted me.  A sure sign the Spring is on its way!  (I sure hope anyway).  I love Spring with the beautiful flowers and the songs of baby birds.  Spring always reminds me of the beauty of God’s creation.  Most welcome after the darkness and gloom of winter.

Another part of Spring that I really enjoy is the longer periods of daylight.  The word Lent actually comes from a Germanic root that means “the lengthening of days.”  As you and I enjoy more sunlight, we are also given a foretaste of the end of Lent’s journey.  There is hope, there is new and unending life.  There is the power of resurrection!

Jesus’ power over sin and death is earthshattering.  You and I, through trust in Jesus, are set into right relationship with God.  The early church believed that Jesus’ resurrection is so transforming, so powerful that one day cannot contain the celebration.  The Easter season, therefore, lasts fifty days.  We sometimes call this “The Great Fifty Days” that lead up to the feast of Pentecost and the “birth” of the church.

In this Lion’s Roar you will find the Holy Week and Easter schedule for St. Mark’s and All Saints.  I find that Easter is more meaningful when I have experienced all the services and the range of emotions the run through Holy Week.  I hope you will join us for as many services as possible.


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