A List for Lent

 Ash Wednesday was yesterday.  Some of went to church and received ashes on our foreheads.  The ashes are made from last year's palms.  The ashes are a sign or our mortality.  Ashes also represent our brokenness and our desire for reconciliation, renewal, and restoration.

I find it helpful on my Lenten journey to add something to help me as I reflect upon my spiritual life.  There is no "one size" fits all here.  Different things speak to different people in different ways.  What I find helpful and encouraging may not be so for you.  That is perfectly ok.

In no special order, here are some things I find helpful in Lent:

Listening to the Easter portion of Handel's Messiah as I go about my day.

Reading C.S. Lewis' The Screwtape Letters-- or better yet, John Cleese reading it on audiobook.

Watching the video versions of Godspell and Jesus Christ, Superstar.

Listening to a musical setting of the passion narratives, such as Bach's St. Matthew's Passion.

Reading the Gospel accounts of Jesus' death and resurrection.

Watching The Gospel of John from the Visual Bible series.

Listening to the soundtracks of Jesus Christ, Superstar and Godspell.

Participating in the Lenten offerings of my local church.


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