January 2024 Lion's Roar

I write as 2023 comes to a close.  Soon 2024 will be upon us.  That does not seem possible.  Didn’t we just start 2023?

A new year brings new things.  We have a clean slate.  There are soaring hopes and endless possibilities.  The world is our oyster!

The Vestries of both St. Mark’s and All Saints’ will have their Annual Meetings and Elections later this month.  New leadership will be elected to the respective Vestries.  Reports will be shared about the parish’s life and ministry.  We’ll look ahead some to 2024.

One very important change will take place before the Annual Meetings.  The Wardens of both churches have agreed to amend the partnership agreement.  I will be shared between St. Mark’s and All Saints’ in a fifty-fifty split beginning 1 January 2024.  All Saints is committed to supporting their brother and sister Episcopalians.  St. Mark’s is committing to helping provide support for All Saints’ fundraisers including helping set up, staff, cook, and clean up.

So, starting in the new year I will be at St. Mark’s on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  I will then be at All Saints’ on Wednesdays and Fridays.  Mondays will continue to be my day for rest and relaxation (except if there is a pastoral emergency; then I DO want to hear from you).


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