Christmas is Near

Christmas is only, GULP, 11 days away!!!  :-O :-O  I am not sure how that happened.  But, in a few short days, followers of Jesus will gather to remember the birth of the One who changed the course of history . . . the One whom we believe to be the Only Son of God.

How fitting it is that we celebrate the Light of the world (see John 1) at a time when it is so dark.  I find these short winter days hard.  As do many of us who live with seasonal affective disorder.  We need sunlight, and lots of it, to properly function.  

Cold, grey, wet days make me want to stay in bed and snuggle in with a good book, my cat, and a nice cup of something warm to drink.  Soon, however, we will see the days start to get longer as far as the hours of daylight.  The change will be almost imperceptible at first.  Slowly seconds will be added.  Then minutes.

How fitting it is that the early followers of Jesus celebrated His birth just as the days begin to get longer.  Those first Christians made the connection with John 1.  Jesus comes to bring Light to the world.  A light so bright that the darkness cannot overpower it.    

Many of us will light candle on Christmas.  That light of those candles in a darkened church will gradually grow as the light is shared.  The candle-lighting is a powerful visual.  Jesus is Light that brings hope, peace, joy, and love into the darkness of human lives.   


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