"This is a Test" Sermon from 29 October 2023
Do you remember the old announcement? This is a test. This is only a test. screech - if this were an actual emergency, you would have been instructed to….” How many of us recall the Emergency Broadcast System? Let’s see a show of hands. Raise them nice and high. Perhaps we need such an alert for our Gospel reading this morning. Matthew warns us that the religious leaders and the elite are up to their tricks again. This time they send an expert in the Torah, the instructions of Moses. The expert asks Jesus which of the over 600 commandments (248 positive, 365 negative) is the greatest. All of the Laws were to be considered equal. Yet Rabbis and scholars loved to debate the question. So this is a definitely a trick question to trap Jesus. The leaders want to find some way to trick Jesus. They want Jesus to say or do something that they can arrest Jesus for. This encounter takes place during Holy Week. ...