Why I Stay

 Recently an article has been making the social media rounds.  The article is written by a pastor who made the tough decision to leave the ministry.  At least for now.

I can relate to much of what my colleague writes.  Life is rough right now, in general.  People are ruder, more disrepectful, less willing to listen, and angry.  

In this climate, being a cleric can seem like an unthankful role.  Even the church is not immune from the divisions and the hostility.

So, why do I stay in the ministry . . . 

I stay because of a deep sense of being called by God to ordained ministry.

I stay because each visit matters to that individual.

I stay because (most days) I really enjoy being a priest.

I stay because of the people and the relationships that are formed.

I stay because I cannot see myself doing anything else.

I stay because I feel there is still something to learn . . . and to teach.

I stay because of the wonderful moments of baptizing babies and seeing two hearts unite as one in Holy Matrimony.

I stay because Jesus has changed my life and I want to share that with others.

I stay because I believe in the local congregation.

I stay because being connected with other followers makes me a better follower.


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