September Lion's Roar
September is gearing up to be a very busy month! Of course, there is the start of a new school year for our students, teachers, and staff. We pray for a safe and successful academic year. All who are involved in education are invited to bring their backpacks or book bags for a blessing on Sunday, 10 September. I will welcome you up to the Altar rail following the Offering and offer a prayer for the coming school year over you. September means that it is also time to get back to our academic year programming. There will be lots to participate in and be a part of here at St. Mark’s as well as at All Saints’. Please read on to learn more about Sunday School, Bible study, and some other opportunities for fellowship, fun, and food. You’ll also want to stay tuned to your weekly announcements and eNotes as well for additional information and/or updates. And, please, spread the word to your friends, neighbors, and coworkers. Last month...