Tech Time

 I am not a digital native.  I leave that to my beloved nieces and nephews.  I do find technology helpful and, even, meaningful.

There are several apps I use on an almost daily basis.  There are podcasts that I listen to regularly.

Here is a list- in no particular order of preference.

The Bible in One Year app gives you a reading from the Hebrew Scriptures, Wisdom literature (Psalms or Proverbs), and the New Testament with a reflection and prayer for each day of the year.  BONUS: read by David Suchet, of Hercule Poirot fame.

Pray as You Go is a wonderful app that helps you center and focus amidst the busyness of daily life.  I find it aides me in developing a mindfulness of God's constant presence.

Day by Day, a ministry of Forward of Movement, is an app that allows you to pray the Daily Office.  As a bonus, there is a strong sense of community as your voice joins with the voices of the readers and officiants.

Forward Movement also has its publication Forward Day by Day.  A great way to start the day with a short scripture verse and a reflection upon the passage.  I get my daily dose through their Facebook page.

Youversion is a community gathered around the Bible.  The app sends you a daily Bible verse.  There are also guided, themed devotionals you can sign up for.  The website features videos on biblical topics and helpful overviews of the books of the Bible among others.

The Carey Nieuwhof Leadership podcast covers lots of relevant topics and current leaders being interviewed by Canadian pastor Carey.

Small Church, Big Impact is an encouraging and thoughtful podcast that looks at church life from the viewpoint of small church leaders.

Spiritual Life and Leadership is yet another podcast the seeks to help church leaders keep and develop their personal spiritual lives.

Do you have podcasts or apps that you find meaningful and inspiring as you walk with Jesus?  I'd love to hear about them!


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