July "Lion's Roar"

 I pray that this summer finds you able to take time to relax, refresh, and restore this summer.

Psalm 121 reminds us ,”Behold, the Lord who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep” (Psalm 121:4).  God is a 24/7/365 God.  God does not take a vacation from love, grace, and faithfulness.  God’s presence is constant, even if we may not always see it or feel it.

There is no better way to honor God and to thank God then by returning God’s love and faithfulness.  So, hopefully, you will find time to participate in worship over the summer.  The schedules, between All Saints’ and St. Mark’s, makes it easy.  Livestreaming also makes it convenient, even when on vacation.  You can attend a nearby church while on vacation, too.

And don’t forget about your financial commitment to St. Mark’s.  Every church I have been a part of has struggled during the summer.  Too often summers mean lower attendance and a lag in offerings.  You can give online even when you are away.  You may also mail your pledges to the Church Office.


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