A D-V+ Top Ten List

 Soon I will celebrate 23 years of ordained ministry.  By the grace of God, and with the people consenting, I was ordained as a transitional Deacon on the Feast of the Martyrs of Uganda (3 June).

Once in a while, I mention my "list" of favorite hymns in a sermon . . . and there are MANY of them.  Hymns speak to us and teach us about faith in ways theology books can not.

Here are some of my favorite hymns, for the first time assembled in a list.  I'd be interested in hearing from you about your favorites.

10) When I survey the wondrous cross

9) Joyful, joyful we adore Thee

8) Hymn of Promise

7) How great Thou art

6) Great is thy faithfulness

5) My faith is built on nothing less

4) O, for a thousand tongues to sing

3) Holy, Holy, Holy

2) Amazing grace


10) And can it be that I should gain


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