"Doubting Thomas"

 Thomas, also called "The Twin" gets a bad rap.  We hardly remember him as Didymus (Twin).  Instead his legacy is as "Doubting Thomas."

Especially in Western Christianity doubting and questioning are seen as bad things.  If one has doubts, then one's faith must be weak.

I don't agree with that stance.  Questions can be a seed bed for a stronger faith if the search for answers leads us into a deeper connection with the Triune God.

Certainly, Jesus allows for Thomas' doubts.  The Risen Lord does not call Thomas out.  There are no words of accusation from Jesus.

Jesus encounters Thomas where he is, with all of his questions and doubts.  Jesus lovingly provides Thomas an opportunity for deeper relationship-- and a deeper faith.

The part of Thomas' legacy that we don't hear much about is his witness after Easter.  Thomas, the legend goes, traveled to India in order to share the Good News.

The Mar Thoma Church in India attributes its existence to Thomas' witness and ministry.  Not bad for one who "doubted."


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