Why do I give?


“Why do you give?”

            This is a great question as we begin to prayerfully consider our commitments for 2023.  For many of us, that question probably has many answers.

            I give because God expects it.  Early in the life of God’s people, God commanded that they give 10% back to God.  This is a sign that they can trust God to takes care of them and provide for their needs.  It also reminds them that all things come from God, you and I are only temporary caretakers.

            I give because I am grateful for all God has done for me.  God has given me health, safety, life, a loving family, friends . . .the list could go on and on.

I give because I love God’s church.  I love the people and the community here.  I believe that together we can do great things in our part of the mission field.  I give to make that possible.

            I give because it deepens my walk with God.  Giving is not always easy.  Often it is a stretch and makes me set clear priorities.  In the process, I come to trust God more and find my faith strengthened.

             As you begin to prayerfully consider your level of commitment and giving to Trinity. I encourage you to think about what St. Mark's means to you.  Why do you give?

            I also invite you to take your giving to the next level.  If you currently give $100 a month, pledge to give $120 a month in 2018.  If you give $150 now, consider giving $165 or $180 a month.

            Of course, giving to your church is not only about money.  You have time and gifts that you can also share with your faith community.  Consider being a Lector.  Join the upcoming Advent study.  Train to be a Chalice Bearer,  The options are endless!


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