October Lion's Roar

 “At 211*, water is hot.

At 212*, it boils.

And with boiling water, comes steam.

And steam can power a locomotive.”


One degree makes the difference between boiling water and steam powerful enough to run a steam engine.  I first heard these words as a volunteer hospital Chaplain.  I was part of a leadership conference the hospital was hosting.  Leaders from every floor and department were represented.

After we watched the short video, “212*: The extra degree,” we spent time in discussion around our tables.  What would it look like if we each gave that one extra degree?  How would that impact our floor or department?  What would the overall effect be upon the hospital?

Followers of Jesus often talk about giving in terms of giving of the time, talents, and treasures God has entrusted to our care.  Of how you and I are only temporary caretakers of what God graciously entrusts into our care.

What would it look like if each and every one of us gave one degree more?  How would that impact St. Mark’s?  What would the effect be on Binghamton, NY and Broome County?  How might you and I implement the one degree principle:

·         Take your church attendance up a notch.  If you attend one or two weeks a month, consider attending three or more Sundays.

·         Take your participation to the next level.  There are many ways to get involved at St. Mark’s—CHOW, canteen, Bible study, worship ministers . . .

·         Take your financial giving higher.  If you currently give five percent, consider increasing your giving to six or seven percent.


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