Disturbing Trends, Part II

 My first post in this series may give the impression that I am against the Church.  Or that I am jaded or on the verge of burn out.  None of this is the case.  I love the Church, that wonderful and mystical company of believers.  

I did not grow up in the Church.  That happened later.  I deliberately chose the Church, time and time again.

Nor am I seeking to judge. criticize, or whine.  I am simply making some observations of things that I have seen as both a member and an ordained minister.

Finally, this list is not in any particular order nor is it meant to be exhaustive.  I welcome your thoughts and insights on what you are seeing in the church.

6) This follows number five.  With faith being a private matter, discipleship and even worship have all too often become passive spectator sports.  Jesus tells His followers that being a follower is not about being a B.I.P. (bottom in the pew).  Discipleship is meant to be an active, daily part of the life of a follower.

7) Even worse, are the shifting sands of what it means to be part of a local congregation.  Yes, I do know that life is a lot different nowadays and families are super busy.  One Sunday a month is now considered "regular" church attendance.  A cell phone won't work unless it is connected to power every so often to recharge the battery.  The human soul works the same way.

8) Church hopping is related to number seven.   Folks no longer have loyalty or a commitment to a congregation or a denomination.  If they do not like the sermon, if they do not care for the music, if their pet ministry ends, or they do not like the new pastor, it is easy to leave for a different church or no church at all.

9) Few local congregations have a clear sense of purpose and mission.  There may be a strong sense of community and fellowship, yes.  But those are also available through civic organizations. This has turned individual churches into country clubs as opposed to Emmaus Inns where the transforming power of Jesus is encountered in word and in bread.


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