Ordinary Days

Following the season of Easter and the celebration of Pentecost, we enter what is called “Ordinary Time.”  Sometimes this is also referred to as the season after Pentecost and Kingdomtide.  You may recognize it as the long green season.  Green is the color associated with growth and new life.  That is why the color is traditionally associated with this season.  The name, Ordinary Time, suggests that it is business as usual.  That nothing special is happening during this season.  The reality couldn’t be further away!  During this time, the assigned Scripture readings focus on the teachings of Jesus.  This gives each of us the opportunity to hear again what Jesus taught.

  Many of these Gospel readings unpack what it means to be one who follows in the way of Jesus.  This gives us the chance to recommit ourselves to Jesus and to deepen our trust in Him.  It is never too late to step up your faith journey!  It can be as simple as joining St. Mark’s services live-streamed (or later at your convenience) as you travel.  Or throwing a devotional book (like Forward Day-by-Day) into your beach bag.  You can also check out places you’ll be visiting for a church to attend on Sunday (see https://www.episcopalchurch.org/find-a-church/).  Or maybe you can pause to notice and celebrate God’s creation as you hike, kayak, or enjoy time at camp.

  Summer can be a wonderful time of rest and relaxation.  But it can also be a great time to renew and restore your soul as well.  If you do happen to attend another church while you are enjoying summer vacation, please bring back a bulletin for me.  No, I am not taking attendance or checking that you went to church.  I enjoy reading bulletins from other churches.  I like to see how they have their bulletin and, perhaps, learn from that some things for the community here at St. Mark’s



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